Aceasta licitatie contine 15 porumbei
Ultima oferta: 17.02.2024 21:13:55
Ultima actualizare: 05.02.2025 19:49:45
1 |
Nepoata JEF - Jeroen & Stijn Rans 1e Int. Barcelona `19 - 16051 p. 1e Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance Sans Peur Herent `18 3e Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance KBDB VL. Brarbant `18 35e Nat. Perpignan `18 - 3966 p.
Stranepot din NEW LAUREAT - GOLDEN WING WINNER ! -Barcelona 2013 1e Nat. 10.685 P. 1e Internat. 25.382 p. Barcelona 2012 323e National 11.590 p. Barcelona 2011 1e Prov. 1550 p 8e National 12.281 p
Stranepot INVICTUS 1e European Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance 2015 5e Int.nat. Pau 9052 p. 834 km 15e Int.nat. St Vicent 10737 p. 814 km
Stranepot SUMERIAN FIGHTER 1e Int. Barcelona 17054 p. `17 castigator: MVN |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
600 RON (~120 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 19:06:08 |
600 RON |
15.02.2024 18:32:21 |
550 RON |
13.02.2024 22:03:07 |
500 RON |
2 |
Fiu si nepot SUPPER HARRY - SUPER REPRODUCATOR Tata lui OLIMPIC HARRY 2e Olympic Poznan Cat. F. 2019 1e / 1579 p. 1e / 1443 p. 1e / 1585 p
Nepot si stranepot HARRY - Jan Hooymans 1e Blois 37728 p. 1e Chateaur. 22340p. 3e Chateaud. 21520p. 6e Morlinc. 4418 p. 15e Stromb. 4358 p. 21e Chateaur.5496 p. 23e Epehy 3709 p. 30e Nanteul 3249 p. 50e Mantes 4182 p. 91e Salbris 7599 p castigator: Bobo07 |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:28:55 |
3800 RON (~760 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 21:13:55 |
3800 RON |
Bobo07 |
17.02.2024 21:11:24 |
3600 RON |
bob1986 |
17.02.2024 21:05:15 |
3400 RON |
Bobo07 |
17.02.2024 21:04:33 |
3200 RON |
bob1986 |
17.02.2024 20:54:37 |
3000 RON |
Bobo07 |
17.02.2024 20:54:15 |
2900 RON |
bob1986 |
17.02.2024 20:53:32 |
2800 RON |
Bobo07 |
17.02.2024 20:53:02 |
2700 RON |
bob1986 |
17.02.2024 20:21:37 |
2600 RON |
17.02.2024 20:17:29 |
2500 RON |
guojinnan |
17.02.2024 20:10:28 |
2400 RON |
17.02.2024 20:01:15 |
2300 RON |
guojinnan |
17.02.2024 19:40:42 |
2200 RON |
Bingo12 |
17.02.2024 18:54:52 |
2100 RON |
17.02.2024 18:52:30 |
2000 RON |
guojinnan |
17.02.2024 18:45:33 |
1900 RON |
17.02.2024 13:00:09 |
1800 RON |
Bingo12 |
16.02.2024 13:27:00 |
1700 RON |
16.02.2024 09:26:19 |
1600 RON |
guojinnan |
15.02.2024 20:31:39 |
1500 RON |
15.02.2024 19:23:22 |
1400 RON |
Davidov |
15.02.2024 00:10:42 |
1300 RON |
14.02.2024 21:03:37 |
1200 RON |
Davidov |
14.02.2024 16:18:39 |
1100 RON |
Ssc |
14.02.2024 15:36:17 |
1000 RON |
Negrutu |
14.02.2024 15:32:18 |
800 RON |
14.02.2024 01:35:21 |
750 RON |
Bingo12 |
14.02.2024 00:33:51 |
700 RON |
Ssc |
13.02.2024 23:02:33 |
650 RON |
Bingo12 |
13.02.2024 15:33:36 |
600 RON |
Ssc |
12.02.2024 22:27:00 |
550 RON |
Bingo12 |
12.02.2024 14:42:37 |
500 RON |
Uzy |
3 |
Nepot THE SPECIAL ONE - Pec & Batenburg v.d. Merwe 1e Int. Barcelona 2015 din 19083 p. Singurul porumbel sosit in prima zi !
Stranepot INVICTUS 1e European Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance 2015 5e Int.nat. Pau 9052 p. 834 km 15e Int.nat. St Vicent 10737 p. 814 km
Stranepot SUMERIAN FIGHTER 1e Int. Barcelona 17054 p. `17
Stranepot NEW WITBUIK 1e Nat. Barcelona 6392 p. 6e International Barcelona 25329 p. 1149 km castigator: gaboru73 |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
650 RON (~130 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:13:10 |
650 RON |
gaboru73 |
17.02.2024 20:06:02 |
600 RON |
17.02.2024 19:06:33 |
550 RON |
15.02.2024 18:16:02 |
500 RON |
4 |
Nepot SUMERIAN FIGHTER 1e Int. Barcelona 17054 p. `17
Nepot INVICTUS 1e European Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance 2015 5e Int.nat. Pau 9052 p. 834 km 15e Int.nat. St Vicent 10737 p. 814 km
Stranepot NEW LAUREAT - GOLDEN WING WINNER ! -Barcelona 2013 1e Nat. 10.685 P. 1e Internat. 25.382 p. Barcelona 2012 323e National 11.590 p. Barcelona 2011 1e Prov. 1550 p 8e National 12.281 p
Stranepot KLEINE JADE - J. Jellema 1e Nat. Barcelona 5423 p. 1e Int. Barcelona 2014 din 20669p. 38 NPO Brive 2014 p. castigator: Alex99 |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:23:20 |
1400 RON (~280 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 21:08:20 |
1400 RON |
Alex99 |
17.02.2024 21:07:55 |
1300 RON |
PoonDjaby |
17.02.2024 21:07:19 |
1200 RON |
Alex99 |
17.02.2024 21:06:46 |
1100 RON |
PoonDjaby |
17.02.2024 21:02:29 |
1000 RON |
Alex99 |
17.02.2024 21:02:09 |
950 RON |
Costel |
17.02.2024 20:47:47 |
900 RON |
Alex99 |
17.02.2024 20:40:46 |
850 RON |
Costel |
17.02.2024 20:08:13 |
800 RON |
PoonDjaby |
17.02.2024 09:05:25 |
650 RON |
Costel |
16.02.2024 00:27:55 |
600 RON |
O.R. voiajor27 |
16.02.2024 00:27:53 |
550 RON |
15.02.2024 23:42:43 |
500 RON |
voiajor27 |
5 |
Nepoata MG 430 SUPER REPRODUCATOR ! MG430 = tatal lui Silke 1 Nat. 2 Int. Barcelona 2020
3. Nat Narbonne 5.042 8. Nat Agen ZLU ’18 9. Nat Perpignan 4.027 10. Nat Barcelona 5.339 13. Nat Marseille 3.320 14. Nat Pau ’19 22. Nat Marseille ’19 22. NPO St Vincent 27. Nat Perpignan 5.589 30. Nat Agen ZLU ’18 jaarlingen
Nepot MISS MILOS 2 Int. Eur Acepigeon Hens Pipa ranking `17 3 Nat. Ace Pigeon `17 9 Nat. Perpignan `17 16. Internat 14682 p. 15. Nat. St. Vicent `17
Nepot RAKITIC 3e NPO AGE 785 p. 18e Nat. Agen 2873 p. Sec 2 castigator: toto |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:11:28 |
1300 RON (~260 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:56:28 |
1300 RON |
toto |
17.02.2024 20:53:03 |
1200 RON |
Dorin porumbei |
17.02.2024 20:43:12 |
1100 RON |
toto |
17.02.2024 14:10:26 |
1000 RON |
Dorin porumbei |
17.02.2024 14:10:07 |
950 RON |
O.R. juve25 |
17.02.2024 14:10:05 |
950 RON |
Dorin porumbei |
17.02.2024 14:09:11 |
900 RON |
O.R. juve25 |
17.02.2024 14:09:10 |
850 RON |
O.R. Dorin porumbei |
17.02.2024 14:09:09 |
650 RON |
Dorin porumbei |
16.02.2024 23:44:44 |
600 RON |
juve25 |
15.02.2024 20:29:04 |
550 RON |
14.02.2024 20:16:37 |
500 RON |
6 |
Fiica OLIMPIC YGOR - BOCANET CATALIN Loc 2 Lot Olimpic Romania Cat. C. Fond 2018 Poznan Loc 1 Nat. AS Fond TIneret `17 Loc 1 Nat. Fond TIneret `17 Loc 1 Nat. Gold 17
Nepoata NURYAN 2e Nat. Long Distance Y. `15 2e Prov. Long Distance Y. `15 1e Ace Prov. Long Distanec `15 2e pro Aced AS long Distance `16 4e Nat. Ace as Long Distance `16 1e Nat. Palm. 3 ani Fond `17 1e Prov. Palm. 3 ani Fond `17 castigator: MarcelPartenie |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
600 RON (~120 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:36:27 |
600 RON |
MarcelPartenie |
17.02.2024 19:21:48 |
550 RON |
Lazăr Vlăduț |
15.02.2024 19:51:52 |
500 RON |
Adrian1976 |
7 |
Nepoata KITTEL 1.NAT ACE KBDB 2013 ==================== BEST KBDB ACE BIRD IN BELGIUM HISTORY ==================== WINNER OF: COEFF 0.9 1.QUIEVRAIN 2.089 P. 1.QUIEVRAIN 1.792 P. 2.QUIEVRAIN 2.023 P. 3.QUIEVRAIN 2.443 P.
Dublu Stranepoata GOEDE RODE - Tatal lui KITTEL 1.NAT ACE KBDB 2013 ==================== BEST KBDB ACE BIRD IN BELGIUM HISTORY ==================== WINNER OF: COEFF 0.9 1.QUIEVRAIN 2.089 P. 1.QUIEVRAIN 1.792 P. 2.QUIEVRAIN 2.023 P. 3.QUIEVRAIN 2.443 P. castigator: MRM |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:14:47 |
850 RON (~170 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:59:47 |
850 RON |
17.02.2024 20:26:27 |
800 RON |
Ssc |
17.02.2024 17:50:24 |
750 RON |
Galamb46 |
17.02.2024 14:41:13 |
700 RON |
Ssc |
14.02.2024 15:46:28 |
650 RON |
Uzy |
14.02.2024 14:48:38 |
600 RON |
Scarlat |
14.02.2024 10:58:28 |
550 RON |
Uzy |
12.02.2024 13:38:36 |
500 RON |
Scarlat |
8 |
Nepot si stranepot MILOS 1e NPO Montauban 1862p. Singurul porumbel sosit in prima zi ! SUPER REPRODUCATOR ! Tata si bunicul la : 1e Nat. St. Vincent ZLU 2e Nat. Narbonne ZLU 2e Nat. Tarbes 4e Nat. Agen 4e Nat. St. Vincent
Nepot THE BLUE DUSK 1e Euro Diamond Award 1e Internationaal AS-Duif Alle Vlughten 16-17 1e Internationaal AS-Duif Perpignan `16-17 1e National Topppigeon FondSpiegel 2 Jaar ZLU 2e National AS-Duif ZLU Alle Vluchten 2016 4e National AS-Duif ZLU Alle Vluchten 2017 5e Nat. Perpignan `17 castigator: Sergiu Caraman |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:03:04 |
700 RON (~140 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:48:04 |
700 RON |
Sergiu Caraman |
17.02.2024 20:47:28 |
650 RON |
gaboru73 |
17.02.2024 20:43:51 |
600 RON |
Sergiu Caraman |
17.02.2024 20:13:53 |
550 RON |
gaboru73 |
13.02.2024 18:51:20 |
500 RON |
Filip |
9 |
Nepot HENDERIKUS 2e Nat. AS-Duif NPO Cat. Marathon 2018 Semi-frate PHIDIPPIDES 1 / 825 p. 1 / 741 p. 2 / 948 p. 2 / 559 p. 3 / 769 p. 4 / 1004 p. 4 / 404 p.
Stranepot CAS 1 International Pau 2015 Singurul porumbel sosit in prima zi ! nevandut, nici o oferta |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
500 RON (~100 EUR)
10 |
Nepoata si stranepoata BEST KITTEL II 1 Nat. Ace Sprint KBDB
Stranepoata SAGAN - Patrick Boeckx 1e Nat. Asduif snelheid oude en jaarlingen KBDB 2013 1e Noyon 1042 p. 1e Noyon 524 p. 1e Noyon 446 p. 2e Noyon 1411 p. 1e Noyon 624 p. 6e Noyon 667 p. castigator: valentin |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:01:40 |
750 RON (~150 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:46:40 |
750 RON |
valentin |
17.02.2024 20:42:12 |
700 RON |
Galamb46 |
17.02.2024 20:31:26 |
650 RON |
valentin |
17.02.2024 19:45:55 |
600 RON |
Galamb46 |
14.02.2024 10:08:27 |
550 RON |
valentin |
14.02.2024 09:17:21 |
500 RON |
Tcristi94 |
11 |
Nepoata BEST KITTEL 1e Nat. Ace Sprint 2017 4e Nat. Ace Sprint 2016 Tata la BEST KITTEL II 1 Nat. Ace Sprint KBDB 2020 JUNIOR - 2e Nat. ACE KBDB Sprint 2018
Stranepoata KITTEL 1.NAT ACE KBDB 2013 ==================== BEST KBDB ACE BIRD IN BELGIUM HISTORY ==================== WINNER OF: COEFF 0.9 1.QUIEVRAIN 2.089 P. 1.QUIEVRAIN 1.792 P. 2.QUIEVRAIN 2.023 P. 3.QUIEVRAIN 2.443 P. castigator: Uzy |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:02:59 |
1100 RON (~220 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:47:59 |
1100 RON |
Uzy |
17.02.2024 20:13:31 |
1000 RON |
111 |
17.02.2024 18:50:54 |
950 RON |
Uzy |
17.02.2024 17:51:52 |
900 RON |
Galamb46 |
14.02.2024 16:18:55 |
850 RON |
Ssc |
14.02.2024 15:46:35 |
800 RON |
Uzy |
14.02.2024 10:24:13 |
750 RON |
Ssc |
14.02.2024 10:07:48 |
700 RON |
valentin |
13.02.2024 23:58:35 |
650 RON |
Uzy |
13.02.2024 15:33:59 |
600 RON |
Ssc |
12.02.2024 23:18:28 |
550 RON |
Cuciurean Vasile |
12.02.2024 18:57:11 |
500 RON |
Uzy |
12 |
Nepot MR FIT BARCELONA 2e National Barcelona ZLU 2019 - 4129 p. 8e International Barcelona 2019 - 16051 p.
Stranepot WALTER - EL CID 1e National Barcelona 2018 F - 3912 p. 4e International Barcelona `20 castigator: Marius87 |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
500 RON (~100 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:10:27 |
500 RON |
Marius87 |
13 |
Nepoata SAGAN - Patrick Boeckx 1e Nat. Asduif snelheid oude en jaarlingen KBDB 2013 1e Noyon 1042 p. 1e Noyon 524 p. 1e Noyon 446 p. 2e Noyon 1411 p. 1e Noyon 624 p. 6e Noyon 667 p.
Stranepoata KITTEL 1.NAT ACE KBDB 2013 ==================== BEST KBDB ACE BIRD IN BELGIUM HISTORY ==================== WINNER OF: COEFF 0.9 1.QUIEVRAIN 2.089 P. 1.QUIEVRAIN 1.792 P. 2.QUIEVRAIN 2.023 P. 3.QUIEVRAIN 2.443 P. castigator: Davidov |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
750 RON (~150 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 19:49:24 |
750 RON |
Davidov |
14.02.2024 14:48:59 |
700 RON |
Scarlat |
13.02.2024 15:27:36 |
650 RON |
Tudose Marcel |
13.02.2024 14:48:26 |
600 RON |
Scarlat |
13.02.2024 10:04:33 |
550 RON |
Tudose Marcel |
12.02.2024 13:38:54 |
500 RON |
Scarlat |
14 |
Nepot INVICTUS 1e European Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance 2015 5e Int.nat. Pau 9052 p. 834 km 15e Int.nat. St Vicent 10737 p. 814 km
Nepot GOLDEN RED BARCELONA GOLDEN WING WINNER `17 1 Nat. Barcelona 7944 p. 6 International 17094 p. 529 Nat. Barcelona 7693 p. `16 567 Nat. Barcelona 7791 p. `15
Stranepot RED BARCELONA 1 Nat. Barcelona 7628 p. `16 2 Nat. Barcelona 17729 p. `16 castigator: MarcelPartenie |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:00:00 |
500 RON (~100 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:37:19 |
500 RON |
MarcelPartenie |
15 |
Nepoata NEW LAUREAAT - GOLDEN WING WINNER ! -Barcelona 2013 1e Nat. 10.685 P. 1e Internat. 25.382 p. Barcelona 2012 323e National 11.590 p. Barcelona 2011 1e Prov. 1550 p 8e National 12.281 p
Nepoata INVICTUS 1e European Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance 2015 5e Int.nat. Pau 9052 p. 834 km 15e Int.nat. St Vicent 10737 p. 814 km
Nepoata SUMERIAN FIGHTER 1e Int. Barcelona 17054 p. `17 castigator: IULIK |
reprodus de Catrinescu Gabriel vandut de Catrinescu Gabriel finalizat la 21:12:27 |
750 RON (~150 EUR)
Data |
Suma |
Ofertant |
17.02.2024 20:57:27 |
750 RON |
17.02.2024 19:44:22 |
700 RON |
17.02.2024 19:44:21 |
700 RON |
15.02.2024 18:21:41 |
650 RON |
15.02.2024 18:21:40 |
600 RON |
13.02.2024 15:14:56 |
550 RON |
12.02.2024 20:53:52 |
500 RON |
DM.31.31 |